Who is Kevin Wikse?
Kevin Wikse started his career as a remote viewer and medium early. At his elementary school, he was pressed into a classified program titled Project CHERUBIM (later renamed FLYING EYES), an offshoot of the C.I.A.'s Stargate. Project CHERUBIM's primary objective was the exploitation of psychically gifted children for use as remote viewers but, more importantly, as remote influencers . Numerous occult traditions around the world utilize children as both seers and channelers. The ego of a child is still in its formulation phase. Therefore, the child can more readily enter the appropriate state of consciousness. John Dee, court astrologer and alchemist to Queen Elizabeth I of England (also the original 007 in service to the Royal Crown), referred to the child seer and psychic operator as "The Cherubim." Kevin Wikse is Rh- and what the U.F.O. community known as an "experiencer," likely part of a generational line of abductees. He stands among the world's...